First weeks

My last blogpost is such a long time ago and I am already 7 weeks here. So, I try to tell you now the most important things of my first weeks in Finland. At first, I want to say until now my exchange year is like a dream, everything is perfect and none of the problems or difficult situations, we were told on our preparatory seminars has occurred. I have never been homesick and there isn’t a problem in school or with my family. But now I start to tell you some impressions of my life here and some moments, of which nearly every exchange student is afraid.

The flight:
I waked up and there it is the day, I was waiting for such a long time. I was sleeping very well and then I was - nervous, excited, sad, happy? I don’t know. I packed my last things and made my tour through the house. We got in the car and drove to the airport. When we arrived there, I met Vanessa and her parents. We drank coffee and then there was the moment – I had to say goodbye. I cried only a little bit and as soon as we passed the security was so happy and excited. I was really happy, that I wasn’t alone, because first, although there were a lot of sights I hadn’t find the right gate and second, I became so nervous and scared (because I am little bit afraid of flights) and I think without Vanessa I wouldn’t have survived or wouldn’t get on the plane. Thank you so much Vanessa! And not only because of this day, you did so much for me and you became such a good friend for me!


Soft-Landing Camp:
I had my Soft-Landing Camp in Copenhagen and these three days were so interesting and important for me! If you have the chance to take part in such a camp before your exchange year, take this chance you will learn a lot. There were so much people from all over the world. We were able to try sweets from Japan (the most horrible thing I’ve ever eaten, but anyways a nice impression) or Taiwan, learning Italian, discuss cultures, get to know new traditions and a lot more. And of course, also the seminars were really fun.  They weren’t that helpful, but I liked the exercises we did. We also did some trips. We made a boot tour and I recognized how beautiful Copenhagen is! We also got a tour through the town by foot, visited Tivoli and had dinner at the Hard Roche Café. On the last evening we danced on the terrace and I was sad that I have to say goodbye to all this fantastic people I met there. And can’t say it enough, what an amazing experience it was for me! On the morning of the 18th of August, we (about 15 people) went to the airport, accompanied of two women of Explorius. On the airport, they helped us to get our ticket and pass the security and then Lucia (an exchange student of Italy and meanwhile one of my best friends here) and me went to our gate.

First, we flight to Helsinki and because our flight was delayed we had to wait a long time and I became so nervous again. But imagine you know you will meet your new family for the next 10 months in 2 hours! The flight to Jyväskylä was horrible! It was such a small plane and it wiggled so much! But we had an amazing view out of the window. As far as the eyes can reach only trees and lakes. When we arrived, everything was so fast. I saw my family for the first time, hugged everyone, met my local coordinator and got on the car. During the car ride, my host parents spoke mostly and my host sisters were a little bit shy, but I was probably the shiest of all. When we arrived at my new home, I hadn’t time to be nervous or shy anymore, because the action started. We played football in the garden, ate barbecue and went to the sauna. Everything was new, but I felt so well and I was so happy!

School and friends:                                                                           
First school day:  You can’t imagine who nervous and scared I was on the morning of my first school day. I drove to school with my host dad and there I met Lucia and the other Italian exchange student, called Maria, which I haven’t known before. Some students showed us the school and after that we chose our timetable for the first period and then I had my first lesson.                                                                                                     
 After this day I was really happy and facilitated and I knew I don’t have to be afraid about anything anymore.
Finding friends: It wasn’t difficult to find friends, because a lot of people were interested in us and wanted to talk with us. Some of them turned away after some weeks, but all the others, I can call friends now! And I am really happy to have so amazing and crazy people by my side.
School: I will tell about the school system in another post, but I can say I love school here and it’s so much better than in Germany. It doesn’t mean I am motivated every day and looking forward to go there, but when I am at school and see my friends I feel so good! 

When I decided to go to Finland I knew that I have to learn a really difficult language, so I already started to learn a little bit Finish, but only this beginner stuff. Here I visit a finish course, but at the moment it’s mostly the same, what I have already learned, but I hope it will become more difficult during the next hours. In school I am at a German course, where I have to write a vocabulary test every week and translate a lot of things, so it’s really helpful. And of course, when you listen to the language the whole time you understand every week a little bit more! So be not afraid of choosing a country, which language you don’t speak!

The first weeks went so good with a lot of new experiences and action. But about this I will write in another Post.


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